As a mid-level professional, you are clearly not earning what you desire to earn, hence your desire to advance higher in your career.
The one trick to enjoy the feeling of earning more is by managing what you have already.
You want to show, if not prove to your superiors that you are capable of being where you want to be, and this includes being prudent in your finances.
As a mid-level executive, it’s best you approach and handle your finances with a mindset of investment. When you invest, your main objective is to make more than you put in. It’s the same with investment in yourself. In this case, you invest with the mindset that what you are doing would take you higher up the career ladder.
As long as you are not frivolous and wasteful in spending, you should learn how to invest in yourself.
In my past, when I am faced with the choice of going to meet a prospective client or speaking to them, I tend to go with the option of filling my car with petrol or purchase a plane ticket to have a proper face to face conversations with the said client.
Now, I could have chosen to take the easier way out by just speaking with them over the phone like many colleagues would do, but I found out that by investing that extra, I got better deals than I normally would have gotten. Because I was respected for making the effort and spending the money to go out and meet them.
That is not frivolous spending. That, to me, was me investing in that which I believed in, and it worked most times.
KTA is important – again. You get to know what you want, where you want to be, who you need to spend money on…and you won’t go wrong. Your tactic will then be that spend in the direction that will bring you success. And the action is…..that big push that you employ to give you success.
Mix in the right circles, Go to the right places and while such things may appear like overspending, consider it an investment in yourself.
Areas you can invest in yourself:
1. Your Knowledge and Skill set
2. Your Dressing and appearance.
3. Your Confidence level
4. Your Relationships.