Often I have been asked my thoughts on the movement of most of today’s mid-level executives from one country to another in search of a better life.
I have this to say, focusing on mid-level executives.
The issue of relocating to another country is one of personal choice alone. Don’t let anyone bully you into something you are not ready for.
As a mid-level executive, you must have gained considerable experience and prominence in your industry.
And you are well aware that when you move to another country, you may have to start either from scratch or beneath your current position.
This is where your KTA toolkit comes in handy
1. Knowledge:
Know your situation. Know the odds and the pros. Know your financial capacity. Know the situation you are getting yourself into. Know the possibilities around you. Most of all, know what exactly it is you desire.
This would form the foundation for the strategy you would take.
2. Tactics/ Strategies:
After taking your time to understand your situation, (and if you decide to go ahead with your plan), you have to decide the strategy and means you intend to employ to go.
Do you intend to go as a permanent resident or as a student?
Do you intend to return after studies or you intend to become resident and start a new life where you go?
Forming these strategies and tactics would give you an upper edge when it comes to organising yourself.
3. Action:
Now is the time to take action. It’s not just enough to make wonderful plans. It is important you back them up with action. This way, you get results.
Most importantly, remember that your big move (Nigerians call it ‘japa’ or ‘brain drain’) is always and would always remain a personal thing of choice. And one person’s decision is always going to be formed on the peculiarity of their own situation. You can’t form your choice based on others. Think you. Do your KTA. And make sure you’re doing you for Reason You!
Consult your career coach before taking such step.
Most importantly, you can book me as your personal individual, Corporate coach or speaker in your event through my Academy- The TundeTalks Mindset Academy.
Email me at tunde@tunde-talks.com