Me And My Best Friend…..And My Mirror

by Ayo Tunde

Today I want to take us on a journey – a journey where we can discover within ourselves, that which is most important. An important friend that can guide us at all times, and make is able to face the challenges of everyday living.

Everyone needs a friend. And everyone needs a really good friend at that, someone to confide in, someone to share good and bad times with. Someone upon whose shoulder we can cry, and on whose shoulder we can leap in joy, depending on how things are going.

We all need a friend. And that friend is closer to us where we are, than even we know.

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Mmbulaheni Nematandani 12th July 2020 - 4:24 pm

Brother Tunde,yes , love yourself first, law of attraction, positive energy, principe of first thing first, self talk, affirmation , be your best friend, praise, reward and introspect ,

Mmbulaheni Nematandani 12th July 2020 - 4:31 pm

Brother Tunde, so profound , love yourself first, law of attraction, principe of first things first, self talk, affirmation, positive talk ♥️

Kirsten Nemantandani. Former President of the South African FA 13th July 2020 - 8:02 am

Thank you so much brother Tunde, so profound, love yourself first, principle of first things first, law of attraction , like attract like, positive energy , self talk, affirmation, self reward, praise and self introspect, the only being you are with 24/7 is yourself. Loving yourself most result in positive self image, confidence , self respect and happiness


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