Tunde Adelakun


How to develop cognitive flexibility

Cognitive flexibility means your ability to respond and handle different issues at the same time. In the workplace, you have to develop the ability to quickly respond and handle issues properly.

Take for example, driving your car in the morning and then you suddenly see a big truck lose control and approaches you faster than you thought. You need cognitive flexibility to instantly respond and avoid the impact, don’t you?

Or in an event where your boss invites you to a meeting and asks your opinion on something you are yet to learn about. And you find that you couldn’t say anything because you did not prepare for what he asked you. It’s your cognitive flexibility that would guide you in giving your general knowledge and perspective on the issue.

Cognitive Flexibility is a crucial skill which Successful executives have had to build over time.

In developing Cognitive flexibility, your KTA tool kit is very important.

1. Knowledge:
Constantly ask yourself ‘what else could possibly happen?’ What happens if A doesn’t go through? What should be the next recourse? Constantly asking yourself (and others) these questions helps develop your cognitive flexibility as you would be well prepared to handle different situations as they arise.

2. Tactics:
In every situation, work hard to understand the best tactics that would fit the situation. Understand the strategy that would best fit your circumstance at the moment. Take for example, driving into another lane to avoid the onslaught of the coming truck.

3. Action:
Train yourself to learn how to take immediate action. It’s not just enough to know the possible situations that can arise or develop tactics that work. You must train yourself to learn how to take immediate actions.

I hope this helps you?

Most importantly, you can book me as your personal individual, Corporate coach or speaker in your event through my Academy- The TundeTalks Mindset Academy.

Email me at tunde@tunde-talks.com